Unity: Q

Q is one of the algorithms Unity uses to provide you with insightful analytics.

Q is a universally applicable measure of organizational quality as measured by performance against targets; it can be measured, monitored and managed.

Q is precisely applicable to any type of organization, corporation, government or global entity.

Understanding Q

To help us understand Q, we will consider the familiar example of a student's performance being measured by exam papers in different subjects.

We will also consider a similar example of an organization's performance being measured by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in different divisions.

Student scorecard

Consider a student sitting exams in five subjects. Their empty scorecard lists the weight of each subject and the weight of each constituent paper. It is these weights that will enable the student's overall performance to be calculated.

The weights enable meaningful aggregation of performance in dissimilar subjects. Without the weights, there would be no way to calculate the student's overall performance. With the weights however, calculation of the student's overall performance is meaningful and easy.

Student scorecard

Student and organizational scorecards

The approach used to calculate the student's performance is also precisely applicable to the calculation of an organization's performance.

Instead of five subjects, there are five divisions.

Instead of papers containing questions, there are KPIs containing metrics.

The weights enable meaningful aggregation of performance in dissimilar divisions. Without the weights, there would be no way to calculate the organization's overall performance. With the weights however, calculation of the organization's overall performance is meaningful and easy.

Student and organizational scorecards

The results are in

The student sits the papers for each subject. The organization evaluates the KPIs for each division.

The results are in

Performance in calculated

Now that the student's performance in each paper is known, their performance in each subject can be calculated.

For example, in Subject A, the student scored 50% in one paper and 60% in the other. Q for Subject A is the summation of weight x performance for each paper, 55%.

More succinctly, Q=Σq.

This algorithm is used to calculate the student's performance in each of the five subjects.

The same algorithm is used to calculate the organization's performance in each of the five divisions.

Performance is calculated

Overall performance in calculated

It is now easy to calculate the student's overall performance. Exactly the same can be done for the organization.

Overall performance is calculated

Q is your gatwey to clarity

In both cases, a meaningful single measure of overall performance has been calculated at a point in time.

Q can be measured and analysed in real-time on any basis as required, powering dashboards, statistics, machine learning or any other advanced analytics your organization may require. As a result, Q can deliver clarity to you and your people so you can improve your performance, increase your impact and deliver your strategic plan.

Q is your gateway to clarity

How Open Word can help you

Open Word can implement an analytics framework built on Q for your organization, corporation, government or global entity.

Please email Duncan.Jack at this domain for more information about you how can get the clarity you yearn for.